Colours Colours Colours
This time I went for a totally new way and I loved it so much (its not the result I expected but its a start anyway). Orange dominates a bit more than I wanted but then this type of art never comes out the way you expect. It will always go the way it likes. This is the most amazing way anyone can become a master artist and create a unique piece that no one can ever copy, not in a million years. All you need is a canvas, lots of paint and time to get your hands dirty! I didn't prepare my canvas, just diluted the acrylic with a few drops of water. Then its just pour and swirl!! 😃 Finally the touchups on the small areas the paint couldn't get to. Again this was inspired by a YouTube video by MelyD artist. Thankyou MelyD! Lessons learnt 😬 • The first time I did this was a total disaster (should've taken a picture). I didn't want to waste much paint. So I went and diluted my acrylics a bit too much. When I poured, the colours mixed with each ...