Heaven On Earth

Heaven is a beautiful dream and earth is the reality which exists. So what exactly is heaven? Is it the sky? The millions of stars in it? The far away planets and galaxies? And can you see heaven while you're on earth? Everyone has their own perspectives about heaven, even its very existence is doubtful. But for me it's where everything is pure and perfection is at its epitome. It's when you feel love in its purest form and detachment from all worldy aspects that you experience heaven. Heaven On Earth Lord Buddha was someone who transcended the expectations of a mere human being and reached enlightenment throught his efforts and thirst for true knowledge. He never intended his followers to form a religion out of his teachings. Instead Buddhism was always meant to be a way of life. His teachings were supposed to lift mankind from all worldly sufferings. It's not everyday that such an individual is born with the sole purpose of bettering the human world. Ga...