Much Like Beauty

I was going through the various Buddha images available online but most of them had very little difference from one another. I know, a person will always look the same no matter who the artist is but variety is something all of us look for. So when I came across this image I knew straight away that I had to paint it. Appreciate what you have Where you are and Who you are within this moment. When I completed this work and send a picture of it to a few close people, I got quite interesting responses. My father asked me who the girl in the picture was, my sister quipped in asking if the nose was a bit too sharp for Buddha. My husband asked who the person in the painting was and when I said it's the 4th in the Buddha series he said it didn't even look like Buddha! I was about to protest and put forth my points to prove how it was Buddha when I realised that much like beauty, art is in the eyes of the beholder. So yes it might look like a girl ...