Much Like Beauty

I was going through the various Buddha images available online but most of them had very little difference from one another. I know, a person will always look the same no matter who the artist is but variety is something all of us look for. So when I came across this image I knew straight away that I had to paint it. 

Appreciate what you have
Where you are and
Who you are
within this moment. 

When I completed this work and send a picture of it to a few close people, I got quite interesting responses. 
My father asked me who the girl in the picture was, my sister quipped in asking if the nose was a bit too sharp for Buddha. My husband asked who the person in the painting was and when I said it's the 4th in the Buddha series he said it didn't even look like Buddha!
I was about to protest and put forth my points to prove how it was Buddha when I realised that much like beauty,  art is in the eyes of the beholder.
So yes it might look like a girl with short hair, or a pointy nosed colourful guy or even a random face with no resemblance to Buddha whatsoever. And I respect each and everyone's point of view because if it wasn't for these different opinions it would have been difficult to appreciate art. 
Only Da Vinci's and Michelangelo's would have flourished. Who would've seen the beauty in Picasso's,  Van Gogh's,  Delaunay's and Dali's ?
If all of us thought the same way and spoke the same way it definitely would have been a boring world.
It is this variety in our thoughts and how we each see the same things differently that makes us who we are, each a different shade of humanity.

As I mentioned above, this is the 4th in my series of Buddha paintings done on a 14"×18" canvas.
It took me around a week to complete especially the hair consumed a lot of time beause of the tiny details.
Although it looks like a straight forward painting a lot of tricky shades , lines and curves were involved in the making. 
And after all that the painting turned out looking way different from the reference picture I used. πŸ˜‚

The Evolution


  1. Gr8 wrk megs.......
    I did c all d shades in it..... mayb cus i read d discriptn cuz of which ma brain waz screwing itself to fnd all d shades anyways i njyd it..... keep up d wrk
    P.s Normally wen u snd d link i did watzap u ma cmnt dz time around thot i shud do it here ......

    1. Thank you sree. I appreciate that you took the time to read through :)

  2. imagination as much as skills.. one of the best by you for sure, neat and perfect!!

  3. Megz...eventhough i donno much about the drawings and have no skills in paintings..i do love all your skill works n m a big fan of your each works till date! Especially the nail art😍❤ something dat has vanished these days! #local_boy_divine_frndship_dat_lasts_4ever

    1. Thankyou local boy πŸ˜‚ nail arts are there even now


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