Time To Pick Some Flowers

So here comes the third kurthi for Renu which has a beautiful lady collecting flowers from a tree in full bloom.
The bright design stands out beautifully on the yellow coloured kurthi.
I had so much fun doing this painting especially the areas with the skin tone and the orange drape.
I was really worried as I did not have the skin colour but then a little brown (Fabre Castle) with lots of white did the trick.
I was so pleased with myself for discovering the perfect colour but guess what the same trick didn't work with another brown (Pidilite).
This painting should have actually taken only a day but because the past few days were really packed it took me 3 days for completion ( So basically I was simply mentioning  that I do not paint 24x7 but have a job to do :) )

The evolution-

At a glance :)

From now on I have decided to personalise all the pictures I upload. I think it looks pretty good.


  1. Are you a surgeon? You seem to spend painstaking amount of time for your art work that too scrutinizing minutest details… hence no wonder it all turns out pretty good

  2. Doctorate in Ayurveda :)
    But thankyou....and I am a little obsessed about the details.

    1. though it s a colorful pallet i guess it wont be a bad idea to once a while share your Ayurvedic advises/tips here..
      consultation free of charge :)

    2. Aaha!
      Not a bad idea ;)
      I may consider that after a few years of practice...

    3. after few years? seriously?
      way too late...your language as i see is as good as your creativity...so..maybe you can color your pallet with written words as well

    4. Colour my pallete with written words :)
      I like the way it sounds....very soon
      Seriously considering it.

  3. It would sound still better when you actualize it :-)


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