Hues and Shades - The begining of a love story!

This love story begins when I was little and my father used to draw the outlines of various pictures for me. I would try to colour them to my best ability. Slowly I started drawing pictures on my own one of which I've attached below!
Drawing  and colouring became a favourite past time for me and my sister  and we never forgot to stick them above our beds.
The transition from crayons to watercolours and finally acrylics was gradual and by then I realised that art was my passion. In between came pencil sketching and to this date that remains my favourite medium.
I do not draw or paint always but when I do, I am in a world of my own, a place I feel I strongly belong to.
I thought we could draw only on paper but soon realised that if you want then everything around you can turn into your canvas. And  that's how clothes became my canvas. Initially I experimented on those 10 rupee handkerchiefs but now I can confidently  paint on kids clothes and sarees.
Though my career is far from the world of art this gift is something I never want to leave behind.
I believe that life is just like a pallete of colours, some are bright some are dark, some combine to give you a surprise while others can be disastrous .
One thing I have learnt is never to expect perfect results and to always be open towards experimenting, because with colours you never know what the end result might be.
I say this because I've made a lot of mistakes but they have helped me grow as an artist.

Whatever the hues are with a little patience I'm sure the shades will turn out just fine.


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